9. Inflate the tire up to the recommendedinflation pressure, found on the Tire andLoading Information label located onthe vehicle’s center pillar (B-pillar) below thevehicle’s door latch, using the air pressuregage on the top of the unit.The pressure gage reading is slightly highwhile the compressor is on. Turn thecompressor off to get an accurate pressurereading.Notice: If the recommended pressure cannotbe reached after 15 minutes, the vehicleshould not be driven farther. Damage to thetire is severe and the sealant will not beeffective. Remove the air compressor plugfrom the accessory power outlet and unscrewthe inflating hose from the tire valve. SeeRoadside Service on page 531.10. Move the inflator kit switch to the O (off)position once the correct tire pressure isobtained.11. Turn off the engine.12. Unplug the air compressor accessory plugfrom the accessory power outlet in thevehicle.13. Disconnect the sealant filling hose from thetire valve stem, by turning it counterclockwise,and replace the tire valve stem cap.Be careful when handling the tire inflatorcomponents as they may be hot after usage.14. Wrap the sealant filling hose around the aircompressor channel to stow it in its originallocation.15. Stow the air compressor accessory plug backin the air compressor. To do this, wrap the aircompressor accessory plug, snap in theplug, and then push in the bottom and thenthe top of the wrapped air compressoraccessory plug.458