Instrumentation and Controls. . . 146Root DirectoryThe root directory will be treatedas a folder. If the root directorycontains compressed audio files,the directory will be displayed asF1 DISC.All files contained directly underthe root directory will be accessedprior to any root directory folders.However, playlists (PX) will alwaysbe accessed before root folders orfiles.Empty Directory or FolderIf a root directory or a folder isempty or contains only folders, theplayer will automatically advanceto the next folder in the file struc-ture that contains a compressedaudio file. The empty folder(s) willnot be displayed or numbered.No FolderWhen the CD only containscompressed audio files withoutany folders or playlists, the nextand previous folder functions willhave no function. F1 DISC willappear on the display as the nameof the folder.When the CD only containscompressed audio files andplaylists without any folders, allfiles will be located under the rootfolder. The folder up and downbuttons will search playlists (PX)first and then go to the root folder.F1 DISC will appear on the displayas the name of the folder.Order of PlayThe first track under the root direc-tory will play first. When all thetracks from the root directory havebeen played, the remaining trackswill play in the order of theirnumerical listing. When the lasttrack of the last folder has beenplayed, play will continue from thefirst track of the first playlist.The tracks will begin to play fromthe first track in the first playlistand will continue sequentiallythrough all tracks in each playlist.When the last track of the last play-list has been played, play willcontinue with the first track in thefirst folder or root directory.$10araCTS Page 146 Tuesday, September 15, 2009 12:30 PM