435 . . .–––––Section 513. Turn the selector switch coun-terclockwise to the sealant andair position.14. Press the on/off button to turnthe system on.The compressor will forcesealant and air into the tire.Tire sealant may leak from thepuncture hole until the vehicleis driven and the hole has beensealed.Initially, the pressure gagereading will be high while theair compressor pushes thesealant into the tire. When thetire begins inflating with air,the pressure reading will dropquickly, and then rise again asthe tire inflates.15. Use the air compressor toinflate the tire to the properinflation pressure as shownon the Tire and LoadingInformation Label.See "Tire and LoadingInformation Label" in Section 3for more information.16. Check the tire pressure usingthe air pressure gage on thetire sealant and compressorkit.NOTE:The pressure gage reading isslightly higher while the aircompressor is on. Turn thecompressor off to get anaccurate pressure reading.NOTICEIf the proper tire pressurecannot be reached after25 minutes, the vehicle shouldnot be driven. Damage to thetire is severe and the tire cannotbe inflated or sealed using thetire sealant and compressor kit.Remove the air compressorplug from the accessory poweroutlet.Disconnect the hose from thetire valve stem.$10araCTS Page 435 Tuesday, September 15, 2009 12:30 PM