421 . . .–––––Section 5NOTICEIf you try to raise the vehiclewith the jack positioned underthe rocker molding, themolding could break and thevehicle could be damaged.Position the jack so that the jackhead will rise to the notch(inboard of the rocker molding)in the vehicle's frame. 3. Attach the wheel wrench tothe jack.- Insert the hook end of theextension handle into thejack.- Insert the flat end of theextension handle throughthe wheel wrench.4. Place the jack under thejacking point nearest the tireyou want to change.You may need to lower thejack in order for it to fit underthe vehicle.5. Position and raise the jack sothat the slots in the jack headfit into the metal flangelocated behind the arrow onthe plastic molding.Turn the wheel wrenchclockwise to raise the jack.6. Make sure the spare tire isnear the flat tire.7. Raise the vehicle off theground until there is room forthe spare tire to fit.$10araCTS Page 421 Tuesday, September 15, 2009 12:30 PM