415 . . .–––––Section 5NOTICEThe surge tank cap is apressure-type cap and must betightly installed to preventcoolant loss and possibleengine damage fromoverheating. Be sure the cap ishand tightened and fullyseated.The next time you use yourvehicle, recheck the level in thecoolant surge tank before startingthe engine.The level should be at the propermark.Checking and AddingCoolant to IntercoolerSystem (CTS-V Model Only)NOTICEThe intercooler system on the6.2L V8 engine has a specificcoolant fill procedure. Failure tofollow this procedure mayresult in the engine overheatingand in severe engine damage.Turn off the ignition and let theengine compartment cool down.The intercooler coolant fill bottle islocated in the engine compart-ment on the passenger side of thevehicle.If coolant is visible but the coolantlevel is not at or above the COLDFILL (cold fill) mark, wait a whilefor the engine to cool, then add a50/50 mixture of clean, drinkablewater and DEX-COOL® coolant atthe coolant fill bottle. See "EngineCoolant" in the "Service andMaintenance" section.If the engine is warm or hot, thecoolant level should be at or abovethe COLD FILL (cold fill) line onthe side of the coolant fill bottle.$10araCTS Page 415 Tuesday, September 15, 2009 12:30 PM