Problems on the Road. . . 4088. Attach the other end of thenegative cable to a heavymetal part on the engine ofthe vehicle with the dis-charged battery, or to aremote negative (-) terminal ifthe vehicle has one.Attach the cable at least 45 cmaway from the dead battery,but not near engine parts thatmove.9. Start the vehicle with thegood battery. Run the enginefor a while.10. Then try to start the othervehicle.If the engine does not startafter a few tries, the vehiclemay need service.11. Remove the cables in reverseorder to prevent electricalshorting.NOTICEDamage to your vehicle mayresult from electrical shorting ifjumper cables are connected ordisconnected incorrectly. Toprevent electrical shorting, takecare that the cables do nottouch each other or any othermetal.The repairs would not becovered by your warranty.NOTICEWhen a power loss occurs, suchas disconnecting the battery orremoving the maxifuses in thefuse block, the ElectronicThrottle Control must berecalibrated. If this is not done,the engine will not runproperly.See "Battery" in Section 4 forinformation on recalibratingthe Electronic Throttle Control.■ TOWINGSee your dealer or a professionaltowing service if you need to haveyour vehicle towed.Also, see "Recreational VehicleTowing" in Section 3.$10araCTS Page 408 Tuesday, September 15, 2009 12:30 PM