Service and Maintenance. . . 344Transfer Case Lubricant(All-Wheel Drive Vehicles)It is not necessary to regularlycheck the fluid unless you suspectthere is a leak in the system or youhear an unusual noise.Fluid loss in this system couldindicate a problem. Have thesystem inspected.To check the fluid level:1. Park the vehicle on a levelsurface and apply the parkingbrake.2. Turn off the engine.3. Check the level of thelubricant by removing theplug.4. Add lubricant, if needed, tobring the level up to thebottom of the filler plughole .See the "Recommended Fluids andLubricants" chart later in thissection to determine what kind offluid to use.When reinstalling the plug, do notovertighten it.Rear Axle LubricantIt is not necessary to regularlycheck the rear axle fluid unless yoususpect there is a leak in thesystem or you hear an unusualnoise.Fluid loss in this system couldindicate a problem. Have thesystem inspected.To check the fluid level:1. Park the vehicle on a levelsurface and apply the parkingbrake.2. Turn off the engine.3. Check the level of thelubricant by removing theplug.A$10araCTS Page 344 Tuesday, September 15, 2009 12:30 PM