79 . . .–Section 1• BATTERY SAVER ACTIVE(battery saver active)Appears if the vehicle detectsthat the battery voltage isdropping beyond a reasonablepoint. When the batteryvoltage drops, the battery saversystem will start reducingpower to certain features thatmay not be noticeable. If afeature must be disabled, thismessage will be displayed to letyou know that the vehicle istrying to save the charge in thebattery. Turn off any unneededaccessories.You can monitor battery volt-age using the DriverInformation Center. Thenormal range is 11.5 to 15.5volts when the engine is run-ning.See "Vehicle InformationMenu" earlier in this section formore information.• BATTERY VOLTS LOW(battery volts low)Appears when the electricalsystem is charging less than10 volts or if the battery hasbeen drained. If it appearsimmediately after starting, thebattery should recharge whileyou are driving, but it may takea few hours to do so. Considerusing an auxiliary charger toboost the battery after youarrive at your final destination.If this message appears whileyou are driving or comes onafter starting the vehicle andstays on, have the electricalsystem checked immediately.To help the generator rechargethe battery quickly, turn off anyunneeded accessories.The normal range is between11.5 and 15.5 volts when theengine is running.You can monitor batteryvoltage using the DriverInformation Center.See "Vehicle InformationMenu" earlier in this section formore information.$10araCTS Page 79 Tuesday, September 15, 2009 12:30 PM