Service and Maintenance. . . 338If an oil meeting GM standardGM4718M is not available, usean oil that meets the AmericanPetroleum Institute Service SMor GM-LL-A-025 service require-ments.NOTICEUsing engine oils of a viscosityother than those recommendedcould result in engine damage.The repairs would not becovered by your warranty.Engine Oil Additives/Engine OilFlushesYour engine should not need anyextra additives if you use therecommended oil quality andchange the oil at recommendedintervals.Do not flush the engine oil system.The engine could be damaged andthe repairs would not be coveredby your warranty.Consult your dealer if you thinkyour engine has an oil-relatedproblem.Engine Oil Change IntervalsThe required oil and oil filterchange intervals vary considerablybetween climates, geographicallocations, terrain and drivingconditions. The local-languageMaintenance Schedule bookletprovided with your vehicle showsthe oil and oil filter changeintervals required for your specificarea. Make sure to follow thechange intervals listed in the local-language Maintenance Schedulebooklet and not those listed in anyother English booklet that mightbe provided with your vehicle.Additional maintenance may berequired.See "Fuel Additives" earlier in thissection for more information.$10araCTS Page 338 Tuesday, September 15, 2009 12:30 PM