367 . . .––––Section 4If the warning light or the messagedoes not disappear, make sure tocheck the tire pressure and inflatethe tires to the recommendedpressure as necessary.Check your tires at least once amonth. Don't forget your sparetire (if equipped).You may use the DriverInformation Center to monitorthe inflation pressures of yourvehicle's tires. See "DriverInformation Center" in Section 1.See the tire information label foryour vehicle's tire inflationspecifications.To determine the location of yourvehicle’s tire information label, see"Vehicle Loading" in Section 3.If you replace the original tireson your vehicle with tires of adifferent size, the pressure listedon the tire information labelmay not be correct. Be sure todetermine the correct tire pressurefor the size of the tires on yourvehicle.Make sure the replacement tire iscompatible with your tire pressuremonitoring system. If not, thesystem may give inaccurate highor low pressure warnings.The Tire Pressure Monitor can alertyou about a low tire pressurecondition, but it does not replacenormal tire maintenance.It is the owner's responsibility tomake sure the correct tire pressureis maintained.The low tire pressure warning lightwill flash for 60 seconds and thenshine steadily if a problem with thetire pressure monitor system isdetected.The warning will reappear eachtime the vehicle is started until theproblem is corrected.SERVICE TIRE MONITORSYSTEM (service tire pressuremonitor system) appears when thetire pressure monitoring system isnot working properly.This message and/or the low tirepressure light may appear underthe following conditions:• One or more of the tire sensorsmay be missing or inoperative.$10araCTS Page 367 Tuesday, September 15, 2009 12:30 PM