369 . . .––––Section 4Tire Pressure Monitor SensorIdentification CodesEach sensor has a uniqueidentification code.Any time a sensor is replaced orthe tires are rotated, the tire pres-sure monitor system must be resetto match the new sensor's identifi-cation code to its correspondingtire/wheel position.NOTE:Read through all of thefollowing programmingprocedure before you begincustomizing this feature.Do not allow more than twominutes to elapse whenmatching the first tire or morethan five minutes to completethe matching procedure for allfour tires. Otherwise you willhave to start the procedureover.To reset the tire pressure monitor:1. Set the parking brake.2. Turn the ignition on but donot start the engine.3. Press and hold the lock andunlock buttons on thetransmitter together for5 seconds.The horn will sound twice,indicating the tire matchingprocess has started.TIRE LEARNING ACTIVE (tirelearning active) will appear onthe display.4. Begin with the left front tire.$10araCTS Page 369 Tuesday, September 15, 2009 12:30 PM