323 . . .––––Section 4NOTICEFuel containing oxygenates,such as ethers and ethanol, maybe available in your area.It is recommended that you usethese fuels if they comply withthe required fuel specifications.However, E85 (85% ethanol)and other fuels containingmore than 10% ethanol mustnot be used in vehicles thatwere not designed for thosefuels.The engine in your vehicle isdesigned to accept unleadedgasoline only. The use of leadedgasoline could affect your vehicle’sperformance as well as yourvehicle's warranty.Use of the recommended fuel isan important part of the propermaintenance of your vehicle.You should use a high quality fuelwhich meets the minimum octanerating recommended.The eighth character of the vehicleidentification number is theengine code. This code will helpyou identify your engine, specifica-tions and replacement parts.For the V6 engine, use gasolinewith a posted octane of 91(research method) or higher. Forbest performance, use a middle orpremium grade gasoline.For the V8 engine, use gasolinewith a posted octane of 95(research method) or higher. Forbest performance, use a gasolinewith a posted octane rating of 98.In an emergency, a middle gradegasoline with a posted octane of91 or higher can also be used.If a middle grade gasoline withposted octane of 91 or higher isused in an emergency, avoidaggressive driving maneuvers andfull-throttle applications. Refillyour fuel tank with premiumgasoline as soon as possible.$10araCTS Page 323 Tuesday, September 15, 2009 12:30 PM