281 . . .–––Section 3Keyless Access Transmitter NotDetectedIf your vehicle is equipped with anignition control knob, the keylessaccess transmitter must be in thevehicle for the ignition to work.When the transmitter batteryis low, or if the system is notdetecting the transmitter becausethe vehicle is very close to aradio/TV tower, you may not beable to start the vehicle.If the keyless access transmitter isnot detected in the vehicle, theDriver Information Center willdisplay ELECTRONIC KEY NOTDETECTED (electronic key notdetected).This message will also appearwhen a cell phone charger inter-feres with the operation of thekeyless access system. Unplug anybattery chargers when starting orturning off the engine.If this happens, place thetransmitter in the transmitterpocket in the center consolestorage area with the buttonsfacing to the front of the vehicle.Then, for vehicles with anautomatic transmission, place thevehicle in P (Park) or N (Neutral),press the brake pedal and turn theignition control knob to start thevehicle.With a manual transmission, pushthe clutch pedal to the floor andput the transmission in neutral.The engine won't start if the clutchpedal is not all the way down.If REPLACE BATTERY IN REMOTEKEY (replace battery in remotekey) appears in the DriverInformation Center display, thetransmitter battery is low.It is recommended that youreplace the transmitter battery assoon as possible.See the following for moreinformation:• Keyless Access System• Driver Information CenterMessages$10araCTS Page 281 Tuesday, September 15, 2009 12:30 PM