75 . . .–Section 1Compass CalibrationWhile calibrating the compass, donot operate any power switches.For example, opening or closingthe windows or sunroof, movingthe seats, adjusting the climatecontrols or other power featureswill interfere with compass calibra-tion.To calibrate the compass, do thefollowing:1. Drive to a flat, open area, likea large, empty parking lot.You need to be able to drivesafely in circles. Be sure theplace is away from power linesor large metal buildings.2. Make sure the compass is setto the correct variance zone.See "Compass Variance" laterin this section for more infor-mation.3. Press repeatedly untilPRESS TO CALIBRATECOMPASS (press to cali-brate compass) is displayed.4. Press the button to startcalibrating the compass.CALIBRATING DRIVE IN CIR-CLES (calibrating drive in cir-cles) will appear on thedisplay.5. Drive your vehicle in tight360° circles at a speed of8 km/h or less until CALIBRA-TION COMPLETE (calibrationcomplete) appears on the dis-play for a few seconds.When the compass is calibrated,the system will return to theprevious menu.$10araCTS Page 75 Tuesday, September 15, 2009 12:30 PM