327 . . .––––Section 4CAUTIONIf you open the cap rapidlywhile pressure inside the tank ishigh, gasoline may spray outfrom the tank. Before you fullyopen the cap, turn it slightly torelease the pressure from insidethe tank.NOTICEIf a new fuel cap is needed, besure to get the right type of capfrom your dealer.The wrong type of fuel capmight not fit properly, mightcause the malfunction indicatorlamp to light, and coulddamage the fuel tank and emis-sions system.Also see "Malfunction IndicatorLight" under "Warning Lights"in Section 1 for more informa-tion.CAUTION• Never fill a portable fuelcontainer while it is in yourvehicle.• Dispense fuel only intoapproved containers.• Do not leave the fuel pumpunattended while refueling.• Keep children away from thefuel pump.• Bring the fill nozzle in contactwith the inside of the fillopening before operating thenozzle.Contact should bemaintained until the filling iscomplete.• Avoid answering or makingphone calls on your cellularphone.• Do not smoke while pumpingfuel.$10araCTS Page 327 Tuesday, September 15, 2009 12:30 PM