e In the SMTP Login Password text box, set the SMTP account password using up to 31 alphanumericcharacters.For example: (your Gmail account password)f In the Re-enter SMTP Login Password text box, enter the login password again to confirm it.For example: (your Gmail account password)g In the POP3 Server Address text box, enter the POP3 server address in IP address format of "aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd"or as a DNS host name using up to 63 characters.*1h In the POP3 Port Number text box, enter the POP3 server port number. This must be 110 or between 5,000and 65,535.*1i In the POP User Name text box, set the POP3 account user name. Up to 63 alphanumeric characters, periods,hyphens, underscores, and at symbols (@) can be used. If specifying more than one address, separate themusing commas.*1j In the POP User Password text box, enter the POP3 account password using up to 31 alphanumericcharacters.*1k In the Re-enter POP User Password text box, enter the POP user password again to confirm it.*1l In the Reply Address text box, enter the reply e-mail address sent with each E-Mail Alert.*1 Required to enter if you select POP before SMTP (Plain) or POP before SMTP (APOP) for E-MailSend Authentication.4 Click Apply New Settings.If SMTP authentication is selected for E-Mail Send Authentication and if SSL/TLS encryption is used tocommunicate with the SMTP sever, the SSL/TLS type must be set in SMTP-SSL/TLS Communication ofSSL/TLS under the Security tab. Proceed to step 5.If SSL/TLS is not used or if "Invalid", "POP before SMTP (Plain)", or "POP before SMTP (APOP)" is selected forE-Mail Send Authentication, the mail server settings are complete.NOTE: To send an e-mail through Gmail, set the SSL/TLS type should be set to STARTTLS in SMTP-SSL/TLSCommunication of SSL/TLS under the Security tab.5 Click Security tab.6 Select SSL/TLS.7 Select a SSL/TLS type from the SMTP-SSL/TLS Communication list.NOTE: To use a Gmail account, select STARTTLS.8 Click Apply New Settings.Scanning364