Parameters ASDA-B2-F7-26 September, 20157Example of inputting internal torque limit:Torque Limit SettingValue of P1-13Allowable TorqueRangeForward TorqueLimitReverse TorqueLimit30 -30 ~ 30 % 30 % -30 %-30P1-14 TQ3 Internal Torque Command 3 / Internal TorqueLimit 3Address: 011CH011DHOperationalInterface: Panel / Software Communication RelatedSection: 6.4.1Default: 100 ControlMode:Tz (Internal Torque Command) / Sz(Internal Torque Limit)Unit: % Range: -300 ~ +300Format: DEC Data Size: 16-bitExample:Internal Torque Command: 30 = 30 %Internal Torque Limit: Positive value and negative value are the same. Please refer to thefollowing description.Settings:Internal Torque Command 3: The setting of the 3rd internal torque commandInternal Torque Limit 3: The setting of the 3rd internal torque limitExample of inputting internal torque limit:Torque Limit SettingValue of P1-14Allowbale TorqueRangeForward TorqueLimitReverse TorqueLimit30 -30 ~ 30 % 30 % -30 %-30P1-15~P1-24 ReservedP1-25 VSF1 Low-frequency Vibration Suppression (1) Address: 0132H0133HOperationalInterface: Panel / Software Communication RelatedSection: 6.2.6Default: 1000 ControlMode: DMCNETUnit: 0.1 Hz Range: 10 ~ 1000Format: DEC Data Size: 16-bitExample: 150 = 15 HzSettings:The setting value of the first low-frequency vibration suppression. If P1-26 is set to 0, then it willdisable the first low-frequency filter.P1-26 VSG1 Low-frequency Vibration Suppression Gain (1) Address: 0134H0135HOperationalInterface: Panel / Software Communication RelatedSection: 6.2.6Default: 0 ControlMode: DMCNETUnit: - Range: 0 ~ 9 (0: Disable the firstlow-frequencyfilter)Format: DEC Data Size: 16-bitSettings:The first low-frequency vibration suppression gain. If the value is set to be too big, the motor willnot be able to smoothly operate. It is suggested to set the value to 1.