Parameters ASDA-B2-F7-30 September, 20157P1-38 ZSPD Zero Speed Range Setting Address: 014CH014DHOperationalInterface: Panel / Software Communication RelatedSection: Table 7.2Default: 10.0 100 ControlMode: ALLUnit: 1 r/min 0.1 r/min Data Size: 16-bitRange: 0.0 ~ 200.0 0 ~ 2000 - -Format: One decimal DEC - -Example: 1.5 = 1.5 r/min 15 = 1.5 r/min - -Settings:Setting the output range of zero-speed signal (ZSPD). When the forward / reverse speed of themotor is slower than the setting value, the digital output will be enabled.P1-39 SSPD Target Speed Detection Level Address: 014EH014FHOperationalInterface: Panel / Software Communication RelatedSection: Table 7.2Default: 3000 ControlMode: ALLUnit: r/min Range: 0 ~ 5000Format: DEC Data Size: 16-bitSettings:When the target speed is reached, DO.TSPD is enabled. When the forward / reverse speed of themotor is higher than the setting value, the digital output will be enabled.P1-40 ~ P1-41 ReservedP1-42 MBT1 Enable Delay Time of Brake Address: 0154H0155HOperationalInterface: Panel / Software Communication RelatedSection: 6.5Default: 0 ControlMode: ALLUnit: ms Range: 0 ~ 1000Format: DEC Data Size: 16-bitSettings:Set the delay time between servo on and DO.BRKR (signal of brake) on.P1-43 MBT2 Disable Delay Time of Brake Address: 0156H0157HOperationalInterface: Panel / Software Communication RelatedSection: 6.5Default: 0 ControlMode: ALLUnit: ms Range: -1000 ~ 1000Format: DEC Data Size: 16-bitSettings:Set the delay time between servo off and DO.BRKR (signal of brake) off.Note:1. If the delay time speciefied by P1-43 is not over yet and the motor speed is slower than the value of P1-38,the signal of brake (BRKR) is off.2. If the delay time of P1-43 is up and the motor speed is higher than the value of P1-38, the signal of brake(BRKR) is off.3. If P1-43 is set to a negative value and the servo is off due to alarm (except AL022) or emergency stop, itssetting will be equivalent to 0.