Troubleshooting ASDA-B2-F9-4 September, 201599.3 Alarm of Motion ControlDisplay Alarm Name Alarm Description CorrectiveActionsCorrespondingDOServoStatusAL201 An error occurs whenloading DMCNET dataAn error occurs whenloading data fromEEPROM.Re-power on WARN ONAL235 PR command overflowsFeedback positioncounter overflows andexecutes the absolutepositioning command.Controllerissues alarmresetcommand.WARN ONAL245 PR positioning is overtimeThe execution ofpositioning commandexceeds the time limit.Same asabove WARN ONAL283 Forward software limitThe value of positioncommand is bigger thanforward software limit.The fault willbe clearedautomaticallywhen themotoroperatesbackwards.WARN ONAL285 Reverse software limitThe value of positioncommand is smaller thanreverse software limit.The fault willbe clearedautomaticallywhen themotoroperatesbackwards.WARN ONAL289 Feedback positioncounter overflowsFeedback positioncounter overflows.Controllerissues alarmresetcommand.WARN ONAL301 DMCNET fails tosynchronizeDMCNET mode fails tosynchronize with thecontroller.Same asabove WARN ONAL302The synchronized signalof DMCNET is sent toofastThe synchronized signalof DMCNET is sent toofast.Same asabove WARN ONAL303The synchronized signalof DMCNET is sent tooslowThe synchronized signalof DMCNET has notbeen received in time.Same asabove WARN ONAL304 DMCNET IP commandfailsCommand cannot besent in DMCNET mode.Same asabove WARN ONAL555 System failure DSP processing error. N/A N/A NoswitchingNote:If an alarm occurs and is different from the alarm showed in Alarm of Servo Drive, Alarm of DMCNETCommunication and Alarm of Motion Control, please contact local distributors or technical personnel.