ASDA-B2-F Control Mode of OperationSeptember, 2015 6-76DifferentiatorPosition LoopGainP2-00Position Control UnitGain Switchingand SwitchingSelectionP2-27 SpeedCommandPosition FeedForward GainP2-02Smooth Constant ofPosition FeedForward GainP2-03Switching Rateof Position LoopGainP2-01Max. SpeedLimitP1-55EncoderPositionCounter+-++ +Figure 6-3 Position Control UnitWhen the value of KPP is set to be too large, the bandwidth of position loop will be increased anddiminish the phase margin. And the motor rotor rotates vibrantly in forward and reverse directionat the moment. Thus, KPP has to be decreased until the rotor stops vibrating. When the externaltorque interrupts, the over-low KPP cannot meet the demand of reducing position error. In thissituation, parameter P2-02 may help which can effectively reduce the position error.6.2.6 Low-frequency Vibration Suppression in Position ModeIf the system stiffness is not enough, the mechanical transmission will continue vibrating evenwhen the motor stops and the positioning command is completed. The function of low-frequencyvibration suppression can eliminate the vibration of mechanical transmission. The range oflow-frequency vibration suppression is from 1.0Hz to 100.0HZ. Manual setting and auto settingare provided for this function.Auto setting:If the frequency is hard to find, user can enable the function of auto low-frequency vibrationsuppression. This function automatically searches the frequency of low-frequency vibration. IfP1-29 is set to 1, the system will disable the function of low-frequency vibration suppressionautomatically and starts to search for the vibration frequency. When the detected frequencyremains at the same level, P1-29 will be set to 0 automatically and set the first frequency toP1-25 and set P1-26 to 1. The second frequency will be set to P1-27 and then set P1-28 to 1. IfP1-29 is automatically set back to 0 and low-frequency vibration still exists, please check if thefunction of P1-26 or P1-28 is enabled. If the value of P1-26 and P1-28 are 0, it means no