Panel Display and Operation ASDA-B2-F4-6 September, 201544.3 Status Display4.3.1 Save Setting DisplayWhen finishing editing parameter, press the SET Key to save the setting. The panel will displaythe setting status according to the setting for a second.Displayed Symbol DescriptionThe setting value is saved correctly. (Saved)Read-only parameter. Write-protected. (Read-Only)Enter the wrong password or no password has been entered. (Locked)Incorrect setting value or enter the reserved setting value. (Out of Range)No entering is allowed when it is Servo ON. (Servo On)Parameter will be effective after the servo drive is re-powered on. (Power On)4.3.2 Decimal PointDisplayed Symbol DescriptionNegative SignNo FunctionLow ByteHigh ByteHigh byte / low byte indication: When the data is displayed in decimal 32 bits, it isfor indicating the current high or low byte.Negative sign: When the data is displayed in decimal format, the two decimalpoints in the left represents the negative sign, no matter it is showed in 16 or 32bits. When it is showed in hexadecimal format, it only shows positive sign.4.3.3 Alarm MessageDisplayed Symbol DescriptionWhen alarm occurs, the servo drive will show ‘AL’ as the alarm sign and ‘nnn’ asthe alarm code. For further explanation, please refer to Chapter 7, P0-01,parameter description, or Chapter 9, Troubleshooting.