DVP- ES2/ EX2/ SS2/ SA2/ SX2/ SE&TP O pe r a t i on Ma nua l - Pr ogr am m i ng3- 1810. “Kn” can be placed before bit devices X, Y, M and S to make it a word device for performingword-device operations. (n = 1 refers to 4 bits. For 16-bit instruction, n = K1 ~ K4; for 32-bitinstruction, n = K1 ~ K8). For example, K2M0 refers to 8 bits, M0 ~ M7.X0K2M0 D10MOVWhen X0 = ON, the contents in M0 ~ M7 will bemoved to b0 ~b7 in D10 and b8 ~b15 will beset to “0”.Kn values16-bit instruction 32-bit instructionDesignated value: K-32,768 ~ K32,767 Designated value: K-2,147,483,648 ~K2,147,483,64716-bit instruction: (K1~K4) 32-bit instruction: (K1~K8)K1 (4 bits) 0~15 K1 (4 bits) 0~15K2 (8 bits) 0~255 K2 (8 bits) 0~255K3 (12 bits) 0~4,095 K3 (12 bits) 0~4,095K4 (16 bits) -32,768~+32,767 K4 (16 bits) 0~65,535K5 (20 bits) 0~1,048,575K6 (24 bits) 0~167,772,165K7 (28 bits) 0~268,435,455K8 (32 bits) -2,147,483,648~+2,147,483,647Flags1. General FlagsThe flags listed below are used for indicating the operation result of the applicationinstruction:M1020: Zero flagM1021: Borrow flagM1022: Carry flagM1029: Execution of instruction is completedAll flags will turn ON or OFF according to the operation result of an instruction. For example,the execution result of instructions ADD/SUB/MUL/DVI will affect the status of M1020 ~M1022. When the instruction is not executed, the ON/OFF status of the flag will be held. Thestatus of the four flags relates to many instructions. See relevant instructions for moredetails.