DVP- ES2/ EX2/ SS2/ SA2/ SX2/ SE&TP O pe r a t i on Ma nua l - Pr ogr am m i ng3- 26APIMnemonicPULSE FunctionApplicable to STEPS16 bits 32 bits ES2EX2 SS2 SA2SE SX2 16-bit 32-bit54 - DHSCR - High speed counter RESET - 1355 - DHSZ - High speed zone compare - 1756 SPD - - Speed detection 7 -57 PLSY DPLSY - Pulse output 7 1358 PWM - - Pulse width modulation 7 -59 PLSR DPLSR - Pulse ramp 9 17Handy InstructionsAPIMnemonicPULSE FunctionApplicable to STEPS16 bits 32 bits ES2EX2 SS2 SA2SE SX2 16-bit 32-bit60 IST - - Initial state 7 -61 SER DSER Search a data stack 9 1762 ABSD DABSD - Absolute drum sequencer 9 1763 INCD - - Incremental drum sequencer 9 -64 TTMR - - Teaching timer 5 -65 STMR - - Special timer 7 -66 ALT - Alternate state 3 -67 RAMP DRAMP - Ramp variable value 9 1768 DTM - Data transform and move 9 -69 SORT DSORT - Data sort 11 21External I/O DisplayAPIMnemonicPULSE FunctionApplicable to STEPS16 bits 32 bits ES2EX2 SS2 SA2SE SX2 16-bit 32-bit70 TKY DTKY - 10-key input 7 1371 HKY DHKY - Hexadecimal key input 9 1772 DSW - - DIP Switch 9 -73 SEGD - 7-segment decoder 5 -74 SEGL - - 7-segment with latch 7 -75 ARWS - - Arrow switch 9 -76 ASC - - ASCII code conversion 11 -77 PR - - Print (ASCII code output) 5 -Serial I/OAPIMnemonicPULSE FunctionApplicable to STEPS16 bits 32 bits ES2EX2 SS2 SA2 SX2 SE 16-bit 32-bit78 FROM DFROM Read CR data from specialmodules 9 1779 TO DTO Write CR data into specialmodules 9 17