3 . I ns t r uc ti on Se t3- 2 5 5DeviceNo. Function Setup Range ExplanationS3+4: Control mode0: Automatic control1: Forward control (E = SV - PV).2: Reverse control (E = PV - SV).3: Auto-tuning of parameter exclusively for the temperaturecontrol. The device will automatically become K4 whenthe auto-tuning is completed and KP, KI and KD is set withappropriate value (not avaliable in the 32-bit instruction).4: Exclusively for the adjusted temperature control (notavaliable in the 32-bit instruction).5: Automatic mode with MV upper/lower bound control.When MV reaches upper/lower bound, the accumulationof integral value stops.7: Manual control 1: User set an MV. The accumulatedintegral value increases according to the error. It issuggested that the control mode should be used in acontrol environment which change more slowly.DVP-ES2/DVP-EX2/DVP-SS2/DVP-SA2/DVP-SX2series PLCs whose version is 2.00 (or above), andDVP-SE series PLCs whose version is 1.00 (or above)are supported.8: Manual control 2: User set an MV. The accumulatedintegral value will stop increasing. When the controlmode becomes the automatic mode (the control modeK5 is used), the instruction PID outputs an appropriateaccumulated integral value according to the last MV.DVP-ES2/DVP-EX2/DVP-SS2/DVP-SA2/DVP-SX2series PLCs whose version is 2.00 (or above), andDVP-SE series PLCs whose version is 1.00 (or above)are supported.10: TI / TD mode: The control changes the integra gain andthe differential gain into integral time constant anddifferential time constant.S3+5: Tolerable range forerror (E) 0~32,767E = the error between SV and PV. If S3+5 is set as 5, when E is between -5and 5, E will be 0. When S3 +5 = K0,the function will not be enabled.S3+6: Upper bound ofoutput value (MV) -32,768~32,767Ex: if S3+6 is set as 1,000, MV will be1,000 when it exceeds 1,000. S3+6 hasto be bigger or equal toS3+7, otherwise the upper bound andlower bound value will switch.S3+7: Lower bound ofoutput value (MV) -32,768~32,767 Ex: if S3+7 is set as -1,000, MV will be-1,000 when it is smaller than -1,000..S3+8: Upper bound ofintegral value -32,768~32,767Ex: if S3+8 is set as 1,000, the integralvalue will be 1,000 when it is biggerthan 1,000 and the integration willstop. S3+8 has to be bigger or equal S3+9; otherwise the upper bound andlower bound value will switch