2 . Pr ogr am m i ng Conc e pts2- 3 9SpecialD Content ES2EX2 SS2 SA2SE SX2OFFONSTOPRUNRUNSTOPAttrib. Latch-ed DefaultD9900~D9979They are for special modules connected toan ES2/EX2 series MPU. (Please refer toDVP-PLC Operation Manual – Modulesfor more information)They are for right-side special modulesconnected to an SA2/SX2/SE series MPU.○ ╳ ○ ○ - - - R/W NO 0D9980 CANopen status message code(Only for DVP-ES2-C series MPUs) ○ ╳ ╳ ╳ 0 - - R NO 0D9981~D9996(Only for DVP-ES2-C series MPUs)CANopen status message code in slavestation 1~slave station 16○ ╳ ╳ ╳ 0 - - R NO 0D9998Bit0~15 represent station 1~station 16. If abit is ON, an error occurs.(It is only applicable to DVP-ES2-C seriesMPUs. If DVP-ES2-C V3.24 (or above) isturned from OFF to ON, the value in D9998will be H’0. If DVP-ES2-C V3.26 (or above)is turned from OFF to ON, the value inD9998 will be H’FFFF.)○ ╳ ╳ ╳ H’FFFF - - R NO 0D9999Showing the CAN baud rateK1: 20K; K2: 50K; K3: 125K; K4: 250K; K5:500K; K6: 1M(It is only applicable to DVP-ES2-C V3.26and above.)V3.26 ╳ ╳ ╳ 0 - - R NO 02.14 E, F Index RegistersIndex registers are used as modifiers to indicate a specified device (word, double word) by definingan offset. Devices can be modified includes byte device (KnX, KnY, KnM, KnS, T, C, D) and bitdevice (X, Y, M, S). E, F registers cannot be used for modifying constant (K, H) Index registers notused as a modifier can be used as general purpose register.Index register [E], [F]Index registers are 16-bit registers which can be read and written. There are 16 points indicated asE0~E7 and F0~F7. If you need a 32-bit register, you have to designate E. In this case, F will becovered up by E and cannot be used. It is recommended to use instruction DMOVP K0 E to reset E(including F) at power-on.F0 E0E0F016-bit 16-bit32-bitLow wordHigh wordThe combinations of E and F when designating a 32-bit register are:(E0, F0) , (E1, F1) (E2, F2) (E3, F3) (E4, F4) , (E5, F5) (E6, F6) (E7, F7)Example:When X0 = ON and E0 = 8, F0 = 14, D5E0 = D(5+8) = D13, D10F0 = D(10+14) = D24, the contentin D13 will be moved to D24.K14 F0X0K8 E0MOVD5E0 D10F0MOVMOV