2 . Pr ogr am m i ng Conc e pts2- 6 38. Explanation: (16 slave stations at most can be supported.)a) PLC LINK is based on MODBUS communication protocol.b) Baud rate and communication format of all phariferal devices connected to the Slave PLCshould be the same as the communication format of Master PLC, no matter which COMport of Slave PLC is used.c) When M1356 = OFF(Default), the station number of the starting Slave (ID1) can bedesignated by D1399 of Master PLC through PLC LINK, and PLC will automatically assignID2~ID16 with consecutive station numbers according to the station number of ID1. Forexample, if D1399 = K3, Master PLC will send out communication commands to ID1~ID16which carry station number K3~K18. In addition, care should be taken when setting thestation number of Slaves. All station numbers of slaves should not be the same as thestation number of the Master PLC, which is set up in D1121/D1255.d) When both M1353 and M1356 are ON, the station number of ID1~ID16 can be specified bythe user in D1900~D1915 of Master PLC. For example, when D1900~D1903 = K3, K3, K5,K5, Master PLC will access the Slave with station number K3 for 2 times, then the slavewith station number K5 for 2 times as well. Note that all station numbers of slaves shouldnot be the same as the station number of the Master PLC, and M1353 must be set ON forthis function.e) Station number selection function (M1356 = ON) is supported by versions of ES2/EX2v1.4.2 or later, SS2/SX2 v1.2 or later, and SA2 v1.0 or later.9. Explanation: (32 slave stations at most can be supported. The model which is supported now isDVP-SE V1.6.)a) PLC LINK is based on MODBUS communication protocol.b) Baud rate and communication format of all phariferal devices connected to the Slave PLCshould be the same as the communication format of Master PLC, no matter which COMport of Slave PLC is used.c) When M1356 = OFF (Default), the station number of the starting Slave (ID1) can bedesignated by D1399 of Master PLC through PLC LINK, and PLC will automatically assignID2~ID16 with consecutive station numbers according to the station number of ID1. (WhenM1356 = ON, the station number of the starting Slave (ID1) can be designated by D1399 ofMaster PLC through PLC LINK, and PLC will automatically assign ID2~ID32 withconsecutive station numbers according to the station number of ID1). For example, ifD1399 = K3, and M1353 = Off, Master PLC will send out communication commands toID1~ID16 which carry station number K3~K18. If D1399 = K3, and M1353 = On, In addition,Master PLC will send out communication commands to ID1~ID32 which carry stationnumber K3~K34. In addition, care should be taken when setting the station number ofSlaves. All station numbers of slaves should not be the same as the station number of theMaster PLC, which is set up in D1121/D1255.d) When both M1353 and M1356 are ON, the station number of ID1~ID32 can be specified bythe user in D1900~D1931 of Master PLC. For example, when D1900~D1903 = K3, K3, K5,K5, Master PLC will access the Slave with station number K3 for 2 times, then the slavewith station number K5 for 2 times as well. Note that all station numbers of slaves shouldnot be the same as the station number of the Master PLC (D1121/D1255), and M1353must be set ON for this function.e) When M1356 is ON, the station number selection function is enabled.10. Operation:a) Set up the baud rates and communication formats. Master PLC and all connected SlavePLCs should have the same communication settings. COM1_RS-232: D1036, COM2_RS-485: D1120, COM3_RS-485: D1109.b) Set up Master PLC ID by D1121 and the starting slave ID by D1399. Then, set slave ID ofeach slave PLC. The ID of master PLC and slave PLC cannot be the same.c) Set data length for accessing. (If data length is not specified, PLC will take default settingor the previous value as the set value. For details of data length registers, please refer tothe tables above)d) Set starting reference of the Slave to be accessed. (Default setting for starting reference tobe read: H1064 (D100); default setting for starting reference to be written: H10C8 (D200).For details of starting reference registers, please refer to the tables above)e) Steps to start PLC LINK: Set ON M1354 to enable simultabeous data read/write in a polling of PLC LINK.