DVP- ES2/ EX2/ SS2/ SA2/ SX2/ SE&TP O pe r a t i on Ma nua l - Pr ogr am m i ngB- 18mapping, the maximum number of digital outputs used for mapping, the maximum number ofregisters used for mapping are described below.Digital I/O (RX+RY): 256Analog (Reading) register: 64Analog (Writing) register: 64B.6.2 Application of the RTU MappingApplicationUsing RTU mapping to read data from/write data into remote digital inputs/outputsand analog input/output registersDVP-SE/ES2-E RTU-EN01+DVP06XA+DVP16SPNetworkenvironment(1) Use a static IP address.(2) IP address of DVP-SE: IP address of RTU-EN01: Use DCISoft for RTU-EN01, and check 10 pieces of mapping data for readingand 10 pieces of mapping data for writing.(5) Set a start RX address, a start RY address, a start RCR (reading) address,and a start RCR (writing address) in DVP-SE, and set correspondingnumbers.(6) Enable the mapping function in DVP-SE. Use M2000 and D2000 in DVP-SEto read values from RTU-EN01, and use M3000 and D3000 to write valuesinto RTU-EN01.1. Please refer to section B.6.1 for more information about setting communication.2. Use DCISoft for RTU-EN01 to set mapping control registers used for reading/writing.