DVP- ES2/ EX2/ SS2/ SA2/ SX2/ SE&TP O pe r a t i on Ma nua l - Pr ogr am m i ngB- 12B.4 Data ExchangeA Delta Ethernet master can read/write data from/into a slave by means of instructions. It can alsoread/write data from/into a slave by means of tables. The number of data exchanges that modelsprovide is different. Please refer to section B.1 for more information about the number of devicesexchanging data.(1) Enable:Users can enable or disable a data exchange. After a data exchange is enabled, the data willbe exchanged.(2) Enable Condition:You can select Always Enable or Program Control. If Always Enable is selected,DVPEN01-SL will execute data exchange continuously until the setting in DCISoft is changed.If Program Control is selected, DVPEN01-SL will execute data exchange according to theprogram setting. The internal registers in different models used to enable data exchanges aredifferent. Please refer to section B.2 for more information.(In DVPEN01-SL, the data exchange is executed if CR#13=2, and the data exchanged is notexecuted if CR#13=0.)(3) Station Address-IP Address:You have to type the IP address of a slave. If the IP address of a slave is, and thestation number of the slave is 1, you can type 1 in the first Station Address cell, select the boxin the first Enable cell, and type in the first IP Address cell.(4) Master Device, Slave Device, and Quantity:Reading (): Initial reception register in a masterInitial transmission register in a slaveWriting (): Initial transmission register in a master Initial reception register in a slaveIf a data exchange is enabled, the Ethernet PLC will write data, and then read data.Quantity: A slave station can send 100 pieces of data at most and receive 100 pieces of data atmost simultaneously.※ If a device which is not a Delta PLC is connected, users can type a hexadecimal four-digitMODBUS absolute position in the Slave Device cell.B.5 EtherNet/IP ListEtherNet/IP is a communication protocol defined by ODVA, and is different from the Ethernetmentioned in the previous sections. DVP-SE / ES2-E Series PLCs (whose version are 1.20 orabove) supports the EtherNet/IP slave communication protocol. The other DVP series PLCs cancommunicate with products related to EtherNet/IP through IFD9507 (an EtherNet/IP-MODBUSconverter). The EtherNet/IP objects which are supported are described below.