DVP- ES2/ EX2/ SS2/ SA2/ SX2/ SE&TP O pe r a t i on Ma nua l - Pr ogr am m i ng2- 64 M1355 = ON, Slave status is user-defined. Set the linking statuses of slave ID 1~slaveID 16 (slave ID 1~slave ID 32) manually by M1360~M1375 (M1360~M1375 andM1440~M1455). M1355 = OFF, the linking statuses of slave ID 1~slave ID 16 (slave ID1~slave ID 32) are auto-detected. The linking statuses of slave ID 1~slave ID 32 canbe monitored by M1360~M1375, and M1440~M1455. Select auto mode on PLC LINK by M1351 or manual mode by M1352 (Note that the 2flags should not be set ON at the same time.) After this, set up the times of pollingcycle by D1431. Finally, enable PLC LINK (M1350)11. The Operation of Master PLC:a) M1355 = ON indicates that Slave status is user-defined. Set the linking status of slave ID1~slave ID 16 (slave ID 1~slave ID 32) manually by M1360~M1375 (M1360~M1375 andM1440~M1455).b) M1355 = OFF indicates that the linking statuses of slave ID 1~slave ID 16 (slave ID1~slave ID 32) are auto-detected. The linking statuses of slave ID 1~slave ID 32 can bemonitored by M1360~M1375, and M1440~M1455. Enable PLC LINK (M1350). Master PLC will detect the connected Slaves and store thenumber of connected PLCs in D1433. The time for detection differs by number ofconnected Slaves and time-out setting in D1129. M1360~M1375 indicate the linking statuses of slave ID 1~slave ID 16. If M1353 is ON,M1360~M1375 and M1440~M1455 will indicate the linking statuses of slave ID1~slave ID 32. If no slave is detected, M1350 will be OFF and PLC LINK will be stopped. PLC will only detect the number of slaves at the first time when M1350 turns ON. After auto-detection is completed, master PLC starts to access each connected slave.Once slave PLC is added after auto-detection, master PLC cannot access it unlessauto-detection is conducted again.c) Simultaneous read/write function (M1354) has to be set up before enabling PLC LINK.Setting up this flag during PLC LINK execution will not take effect.d) When M1354 = ON, PLC takes Modbus Function H17 (simultaneous read/write function)for PLC LINK communication function. If the data length to be written is set to 0, PLC willselect Modbus Function H03 (read multiple WORDs) automatically. In the same way, ifdata length to be read is set to 0, PLC will select Modbus Function H06 (write singleWORD) or Modbus Function H10 (write multiple WORDs) for PLC LINK communicationfunction.e) When M1353 = OFF, PLC LINK accesses the Slave with max 16 words, and the data isautomatically stored in the corresponding registers. When M1353 = ON, up to 100 wordsare accessible and the user can specify the starting register for storing the read/writtendata.For example, if the register for storing the read/written data on Slave ID1 is specified asD1480 = K500, D1496 = K800, access data length D1434 = K50, D1450 = K50, registersof Master PLC D500~D549 will store the data read from Slave ID1, and the data stored inD800~D849 will be written into Slave ID1.f) Master PLC conducts reading before writing. Both reading and writing is executedaccording to the range specified by user.g) Master PLC accesses slave PLCs in order, i.e. data access moves to next slave only whenaccess on previous slave is completed.h) Modbus Function H03 will be replaced by Modbus Function H04 for read/write functioncode. M1700~M1715 are corresponding to Slave ID 1~16 orderly; when the status is ON,the read/write function code can be changed from H04 to H04 for the following series.Series ES2/EX2 ES2-C ES2-E 12SA2/SX2 SS2 12SE 26SE 28SA2Firmwareversion V3.48 V3.48 V3.48 V3.0 V3.60 -- V2.0 V3.0M1700~M1731 are corresponding to Slave ID 1~32 for SE series.12. Auto mode and Manual mode:a) Auto mode (M1351): when M1351 = ON, Master PLC will access slave PLCs as theoperation described above, and stop the polling till M1350 or M1351 is OFF.