DVP- ES2/ EX2/ SS2/ SA2/ SX2/ SE&TP O pe r a t i on Ma nua l - Pr ogr am m i ng3- 92API Mnemonic Operands Function ControllersES2/EX2 SS2 SA2SE SX232 D RCR P Rotation Right with CarryTypeOPBit Devices Word devices Program StepsX Y M S K H KnX KnY KnM KnS T C D E F RCR, RCRP: 5 stepsDRCR, DRCRP: 9 stepsD * * * * * * * *n * *PULSE 16-bit 32-bitES2/EX2 SS2 SA2SE SX2 ES2/EX2 SS2 SA2SE SX2 ES2/EX2 SS2 SA2SE SX2Operands:D: Device to be rotated n: Number of bits to be rotated in 1 rotationExplanation:1. This instruction rotates bit status of the device D together with M1022 to the right for n bits.2. The status of the last bit rotated (marked with ※) is moved to the carry flag M1022.3. This instruction is generally used in pulse execution mode (RCRP, DRCRP).4. If operand D uses index F, only a 16-bit instruction is available.5. If operand D is specified as KnY, KnM or KnS, only K4 (16-bit) or K8 (32-bit) is valid.6. Valid range of operand n: 1≤ n ≤16 (16-bit), 1≤ n ≤32 (32-bit)Program Example:When X0 goes from OFF to ON, the 16 bits (4 bits as a group) in D10 together with carry flagM1022 (total 17 bits) will rotate to the right, as shown in the figure below. The bit marked with ※will be moved to carry flag M10220 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 00 1 0 0 11 0 0 0 1 1 0 011 1 00 0 0 01X0D10 K4Rotate to the right16 bitsCarryflagCarryflagAfter one rotationto the right Lower bitLower bitUpper bitUpper bit1D10D10RCRPM1022M1022