DVP- ES2/ EX2/ SS2/ SA2/ SX2/ SE&TP O pe r a t i on Ma nua l - Pr ogr am m i ng5- 6Repeated usage of timer:See the opposite diagram. Timers can only be usedrepeatedly in non-adjacent steps. S20S30S40X1X2TMR T1 K10TMR T2 K20TMR T1 K30Transfer of Step Points:SET Sn and OUT Sn instructions are used to enable (or transfer to) another step. Because therecan be many step control sequences (i.e. the initial steps starting with S0 ~ S9) existing in theprogram. The transfer of a step can take place in the same step sequence, or be transferred todifferent step sequence. Usages of SET Sn and OUT Sn are different according to the transfermethods. Please see the explanations belowSET Sn1. Used for driving the next step in the same sequence. After the transition, all output in theprevious step will be OFF.Y0SET S12SET S14S10X0S12X1Y1When SET S12 executes,S10 transfers to S12 andoutput Y10 in S10 will be OFF.2. If M1014 is used, and it is On, the transfer of the steps will be prohibited, and the states of thesteps remain unchanged.Y1 0SET S1 2SET S1 4S10SX0S12SX1Y11If M1040 is On, SET S12 instr uctionwill not be executed, the state of S 10unchanged, and Y10 will be O n.