3 . I ns t r uc ti on Se t3- 2 9Additional InstructionAPIMnemonicPULSE FunctionApplicable to STEPS16 bits 32 bits ES2EX2 SS2 SA2 SX2 SE 16-bit 32-bit143 DELAY - Delay 3 -144 GPWM - - General PWM output 7 -145 FTC - Fuzzy Temperature Control V3.22 V2.66 V2.66 7 -147 SWAP DSWAP Byte swap 3 5148 MEMR - Reading the data from thefile register - - 7 -149 MEMW - Writing the data into the fileregister - - 7 -154 RAND DRAND Random number 7 13168 MVM DMVM Mask and combinedesignated Bits 7 13176 MMOV – 16-bit→32-bit Conversion 5 –177 GPS - - GPS data receiving - 5 -178 - DSPA - Solar cell positioning - – 9179 WSUM DWSUM Sum of multiple devices 7 13202 SCAL - Proportional valuecalculation 9 -203 SCLP DSCLP Parameter proportional valuecalculation 9 13205 CMPT DCMPT Compare table 9 17207 CSFO - - Catch speed andproportional output - 7 -Positioning ControlAPIMnemonicPULSE FunctionApplicable to STEPS16 bits 32 bits ES2EX2 SS2 SA2SE SX2 16-bit 32-bit155 - DABSR - Absolute position read - 13156 - DZRN - Zero return - 17157 - DPLSV Adjustable speed pulse output - 13158 - DDRVI - Relative position control - 17159 - DDRVA - Absolute position control - 17191 - DPPMR - 2-Axis Relative Point to PointMotion - - 17192 - DPPMA - 2-Axis Absolute Point to PointMotion - - 17193 - DCIMR - 2-Axis Relative Position ArcInterpolation - - 17194 - DCIMA - 2-Axis Absolute Position ArcInterpolation - - 17195 - DPTPO - Single-Axis pulse output bytable - 13197 - DCLLM - Close loop position control - 17198 - DVSPO - Variable speed pulse output - 17