DVP- ES2/ EX2/ SS2/ SA2/ SX2/ SE&TP O pe r a t i on Ma nua l - Pr ogr am m i ng3- 24application instruction indicate the operands modifiable by E and F.If you need to modify device P, I, X, Y, M, S, KnX, KnY, KnM, KnS, T, C and D by applying E, F, youhave to select a 16-bit register, i.e. you can designate E or F.3.6 Numerical List of Instructions (classified according to the function)Loop ControlAPIMnemonicPULSE FunctionApplicable to STEPS16 bits 32 bits ES2EX2 SS2 SA2SE SX2 16-bit 32-bit00 CJ - Conditional jump 3 -01 CALL - Call subroutine 3 -02 SRET - - Subroutine return 1 -03 IRET - - Interrupt return 1 -04 EI - - Enable interrupt 1 -05 DI - - Disable interrupt 1 -06 FEND - - The end of the main program(First end) 1 -07 WDT - Watchdog timer refresh 1 -08 FOR - - Start of a For-Next Loop 3 -09 NEXT - - End of a For-Next Loop 1 -Transmission ComparisonAPIMnemonicPULSE FunctionApplicable to STEPS16 bits 32 bits ES2EX2 SS2 SA2SE SX2 16-bit 32-bit10 CMP DCMP Compare 7 1311 ZCP DZCP Zone compare 9 1712 MOV DMOV Move 5 913 SMOV - Shift move 11 -14 CML DCML Complement 5 915 BMOV - Block move 7 -16 FMOV DFMOV Fill move 7 1317 XCH DXCH Exchange 5 918 BCD DBCD Convert BIN to BCD 5 919 BIN DBIN Convert BCD to BIN 5 9Four Arithmetic OperationsAPIMnemonicPULSE FunctionApplicable to STEPS16 bits 32 bits ES2EX2 SS2 SA2SE SX2 16-bit 32-bit20 ADD DADD Addition 7 1321 SUB DSUB Subtraction 7 1322 MUL DMUL Multiplication 7 1323 DIV DDIV Division 7 1324 INC DINC Increment 3 525 DEC DDEC Decrement 3 526 WAND DAND Logical Word AND 7 1327 WOR DOR Logical Word OR 7 1328 WXOR DXOR Logical XOR 7 13