Index– 215 –IndexAAC adaptorAttaching 27Removal 28Adjusting image quality 56Area mode function 50[AREA SELECT] 152ATW 53Audio input 64[AUDIO SETUP] 142Audio the recording level 65[AUTO SW] 137Auto tracking white balance 53[AWB PRE CONTROL] 152BBackground recording 70Backlight compensation 74BatteryAttaching 27Charging 26Removing 27Black balance 53Black control function 58Brightness adjustment 48Built-in battery 200Built-in microphone 64C[CAM REMOTE ADJ.] 152[CARD FUNCTIONS] 150Center marker 73Chroma setting function 57ClipCopying 115Deleting 115Metadata 116Playback 108Properties 119Reconnecting 115Restoring 115[CLIP] 140Clock 33Color bars 74Color correction function 58Counter 106CPS 37DDate and time 33Deleting last clip function 75Detail function 56[DIAGNOSTIC] 150Direct menu operation 75[DISPLAY SETUP] 147Dual codec recording 85Dynamic range stretcher function 39, 74EElectronic shutter 60[ENG SECURITY] 152Error code 203Error message 203Expanded display 49Eye cup 30Eye sensor 42FFBC 61Flash band compensation 61Focus assist 49Focus bar display 50Focus in red display 49FormattingP2 card 118SD memory card 92, 118Storage device 169Frame marker 74Front microphone 31FTP client function 190GGain 48Gamma function 58Genlock 96GPS 66Grip strap 29HHeadphones 164High color function 59Hot swap recording 71IImage size 74Image stabilization function 74Interval recording 67Iris 48KKnee function 58LLCD monitor 41Displaying screen 154Status display 154Lens cover 30Lens hood 29Level gauge function 51Loop recording 68Low angle shooting 73MMacro 48[MAINTENANCE] 150Manual focus 48Matrix function 57MenuMain menu 125[OPTION MENU] 125Setting menu 126[USER MENU] 125Metadata 116microP2 memory card 34Inserting 34Removing 35Write protect 35Microphone 31Mirror shooting 41Mode check 161Monitor 164NND filter 48Network 179Settings 182Wired LAN 181Wireless LAN 180, 181[NETWORK SETUP] 144OOne-clip recording 69One-shot recording 68[OTHER FUNCTIONS] 150[OUTPUT SEL] 143