– 55 –Chapter 4 Shooting — Using the zoom functionUsing the zoom functionAdjust the angle of view you want to shoot.The camera has a 22x optical zoom.The zoom can be operated at the following three locations:f Zoom lever (on the grip)f Zoom lever (on the handle)f Zoom ring on the lensSelect the zoom operation with the switch and the HANDLE ZOOM switch.Setting the switchSwitch the switch to set the zoom operation.: You can operate the zoom ring manually to adjust the angle of view.: You can use the motor-driven zoom using the zoom lever.Adjusting the zoom positionAdjust the zoom with the zoom lever.: Zoom in the image.: Zoom out the image.Lightly pressing the zoom lever on the grip will operate the zoom at low speed. Pressing strongly will operate the zoom at high speed.@@ NOTEt To operate the zoom with higher speed, press the USER button where [FAST ZOOM] is assigned in the main menu → [USER SW] to enable/disable[FAST ZOOM].t When [FAST ZOOM] is enabled, the motorized zoom can operated with higher speed when the zoom lever is pushed to the end. However, the zoomsound becomes louder than usual. If the sound of the motorized zoom is obtrusive, disable [FAST ZOOM].Using the zoom lever on the handleYou can select three shooting modes with the HANDLE ZOOM switch.: Zoom with the speed set in the main menu → [SW MODE] → [H.ZOOM SPEED].: Zoom speed changes depending on how strong the lever is pushed. (When pushed gently, the speed becomes slower, and when pushedstrongly, it becomes faster.): The zoom lever does not work.Zoom ringSetting the switch to the position will allow manual zoom operation with the zoom ring.f When the switch is at the position, do not operate the zoom manually. Doing so may result in a malfunction.