- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- YASKAWA ELECTRIC TOEP C710616 41G YASKAWA AC Drive - A1000 Quick Start Guide
- i.1 Preface
- i.2 General Safety
- Safety Messages
- General Application Precautions
- Motor Application Precautions
- Drive Label Warning Example
- Model Number and Nameplate Check
- Instructions on Installation Using the Eye Bolts
- Flange Type Enclosure (NEMA 12 Backside) Dimensions & Heat Loss
- Flange Type Models 2A0018 and 2A0021, 4A0007 to 4A0011, and 5A0006 and 5A0009
- Flange Type Models 2A0030 and 2A0040, 4A0018 and 4A0023, and 5A0011
- Flange Type Model 4A0031
- Flange Type Models 2A0056, 4A0038, and 5A0017 and 5A0022
- Flange Type Models 2A0069 and 2A0081, 4A0044, and 5A0027 and 5A0032
- Flange Type Models 2A0110 and 4A0058
- Flange Type Models 2A0138, 4A0072, and 5A0041 and 5A0052
- Flange Type Models 4A0088 and 4A0103
- Flange Type Models 2A0169 and 2A0211, 4A0139 and 4A0165, and 5A0062 to 5A0099
- Flange Type Models 2A0250 and 2A0312, 4A0208, and 5A0125 and 5A0145
- Flange Type Models 2A0360 and 2A0415, 4A0250 to 4A0362, and 5A0192 and 5A0242
- Flange Type Model 4A0414
- Flange Type Models 4A0515 and 4A0675
- Flange Type Models 4A0930 and 4A1200
- Standard Connection Diagram
- Main Circuit Connection Diagram
- Three-Phase 400 V Class Models 4A0088 to 4A0139 Three-Phase 600 V Class Models 5A0062 to 5A0099
- Three-Phase 400 V Class Models 4A0930, 4A1200
- Terminal Cover
- Models 2A0110 to 2A0250, 4A0208 to 4A1200, and 5A0125 to 5A0242 (IP00/Open Type Enclosure)
- Digital Operator and Front Cover
- Top Protective Cover
- Main Circuit Wiring
- Protecting Main Circuit Terminals
- Main Circuit Terminal and Motor Wiring
- Control Circuit Wiring
- Terminal Configuration
- Wiring the Control Circuit Terminal
- Control I/O Connections
- Sinking/Sourcing Mode Selection for Safe Disable Inputs
- Using the Pulse Train Output
- Terminal A2 Input Signal Selection
- Terminal DM+ and DM- Output Signal Selection
- Wiring Checklist
- Using the Digital Operator
- LCD Display
- ALARM (ALM) LED Displays
- Menu Structure for Digital Operator
- The Drive and Programming Modes
- Switching Between LOCAL and REMOTE
- Start-Up Flowcharts
- Flowchart A: Basic Start-Up and Motor Tuning
- Subchart A-1: Simple Motor Setup Using V/f Control
- Subchart A-2: High Performance Operation Using OLV or CLV
- Subchart A-3: Operation with Permanent Magnet Motors
- Powering Up the Drive
- Application Selection
- Basic Drive Setup Adjustments
- Auto-Tuning
- Auto-Tuning Interruption and Fault Codes
- Auto-Tuning Operation Example
- No-Load Operation Test Run
- Test Run with Load Connected
- Test Run Checklist
- Drive Alarms, Faults, and Errors
- Fault Detection
- Alarm Detection
- Operator Programming Errors
- Causes and Possible Solutions for a Blank and Unresponsive Digital Operator
- Auto-Tuning Fault Detection
- Copy Function Related Displays
- Inspection
- Recommended Periodic Inspection
- Storage Guidelines
- Periodic Maintenance
- Drive Replacement
- Option Card Installation
- PG Option Installation Example
- A.1 Heavy Duty and Normal Duty Ratings
- A.2 Power Ratings
- Three-Phase 200 V Class Drive Models 2A0040 to 2A0211
- Three-Phase 200 V Class Drive Models 2A0250 to 2A0415
- Three-Phase 400 V Class Drive Models 4A0002 to 4A0031
- Three-Phase 400 V Class Drive Models 4A0038 to 4A0165
- Three-Phase 400 V Class Drive Models 4A0208 to 4A1200
- Three-Phase 600 V Class Drive Models 5A0003 to 5A0032
- Three-Phase 600 V Class Drive Models 5A0041 to 5A0099
- Three-Phase 600 V Class Drive Models 5A0125 to 5A0242
- A.3 Drive Specifications
- A.4 Drive Watt Loss Data
- B.1 A: Initialization Parameters
- A2: User Parameters
- B.2 b: Application
- b2: DC Injection Braking and Short Circuit Braking
- b4: Timer Function
- b5: PID Control
- b6: Dwell Function
- b9: Zero Servo
- B.3 C: Tuning
- C2: S-Curve Characteristics
- C4: Torque Compensation
- C6: Carrier Frequency
- B.4 d: References
- d2: Frequency Upper/Lower Limits
- d3: Jump Frequency
- d5: Torque Control
- d7: Offset Frequency
- B.5 E: Motor Parameters
- E2: Motor 1 Parameters
- E3: V/f Pattern for Motor 2
- E4: Motor 2 Parameters
- E5: PM Motor Settings
- B.6 F: Option Settings
- F2: Analog Input Card Settings (AI-A3)
- F4: Analog Monitor Card Settings (AO-A3)
- F6: Communication Option Card Settings (SI-B3, SI-C3, SI-ES3, SI-ET3, SI-N3, SI-P3, SI-S3, SI T3, SI-W3)
- F7: Communication Option Card Settings (SI-EM3, SI-EN3, SI-EP3)
- B.7 H Parameters: Multi-Function Terminals
- H2: Multi-Function Digital Outputs
- H3: Multi-Function Analog Inputs
- H4: Analog Outputs
- H5: MEMOBUS/Modbus Serial Communication
- H6: Pulse Train Input/Output
- B.8 L: Protection Function
- L2: Momentary Power Loss Ride-Thru
- L3: Stall Prevention
- L4: Speed Detection
- L5: Fault Restart
- L7: Torque Limit
- L8: Drive Protection
- L9: Drive Protection 2
- B.9 n: Special Adjustment
- n5: Feed Forward Control
- B.10 o: Operator-Related Settings
- o3: Copy Function
- B.11 DriveWorksEZ Parameters
- B.12 T: Motor Tuning
- T2: PM Motor Auto-Tuning
- T3: ASR and Inertia Tuning
- B.13 U: Monitors
- U2: Fault Trace
- U3: Fault History
- U4: Maintenance Monitors
- U5: PID Monitors
- U8: DriveWorksEZ Monitors
- C.1 European Standards
- EMC Guidelines Compliance
- C.2 UL and CSA Standards
- CSA Standards Compliance
- Precautionary Notes on External Heatsink (IP00/Open Type Enclosure)
- C.3 Safe Disable Input Function
No.(Addr.Hex) Name LCD Display Description Values Pagen8-47(053A)Pull-In CurrentCompensation TimeConstant (for PMMotors)PM Pull-in I TcSets the time constant to make the pull-in current reference andactual current value agree. Decrease the value if the motorbegins to oscillate, and increase the value if it takes too longfor the current reference to equal the output current.Default: 5.0 sMin.: 0.0Max.: 100.0 –n8-48(053B) Pull-In Current (for PMMotors) PM No-load CurrDefines the d-Axis current reference during no-load operationat a constant speed. Set as a percentage of the motor ratedcurrent. Increase this setting if hunting occurs while running atconstant speed.Default: 30%Min.: 20Max.: 200 –n8-49(053C)d-Axis Current for HighEfficiency Control (forPM Motors) EnergySav ID LvlSets the d-Axis current reference when running a high load atconstant speed. Set as a percentage of the motor rated current. Default: <3>Min.: -200.0%Max.: 0.0%–n8-51(053E)Acceleration/Deceleration Pull-InCurrent (for PM Motors) PM Pull-in I@AccSets the d-Axis current reference during acceleration/deceleration as a percentage of the motor rated current. Set toa high value when more starting torque is needed.Default: 50%Min.: 0Max.: 200 –n8-54(056D)Voltage ErrorCompensation TimeConstant PM V Error CompTAdjusts the value when hunting occurs at low speed. If huntingoccurs with sudden load changes, increase n8-54 in incrementsof 0.1. Reduce this setting if oscillation occurs at start. Increasethis setting if vibration occurs at start.Default: 1.00 sMin.: 0.00Max.: 10.00 –n8-55(056E) Load InertiaPMLoad wk2 Ratio0: Less than 1:101: 1:10 to 1:302: 1:30 to 1:503: More than 1:50Sets the ratio between motor and machine inertia.0: Below 1:101: Between 1:10 and 1:302: Between 1:30 and 1:503: Beyond 1:50Default: 0Min.: 0Max.: 3 –n8-57(0574) High FrequencyInjectionPM Harm Inj Sel0: Disabled1: Enabled0: Disabled. Disable when using an SPM motor.1: Enabled. Use this setting to enhance the speed control rangewhen using an IPM motor.Default: 0Range: 0, 1 –n8-62(057D) Output Voltage Limit(for PM Motors) PM Vout LimitPrevents output voltage saturation. Should be set just below thevoltage provided by the input power supply. Default: 200.0 V<4>Min.: 0.0Max.: 230.0 <4>–n8-65(065C)Speed FeedbackDetection Control Gainduring ov Suppression SFdbk G @OV Supp Sets the gain used for internal speed feedback detection duringov suppression. Default: 1.50Min.: 0.00Max.: 10.00 –n8-69(065D) Speed Calculation Gain SpdSrch GainSets the proportional gain for PLL control of an extendedobserver.There is normally no need to change this parameter from thedefault value.Default: 1.00Min.: 0.00Max.: 20.00 –n8-72(0655)<1>Speed EstimationMethod SelectionSpd Est method0: Conventional1: A1000 methodSets the method to be used for estimating the speed.0: Conventional method1: A1000 methodThere is normally no need to change this parameter from thedefault value.Note: This parameter is not available in models4A0930 and 4A1200.Default: 1Range: 0, 1 –n8-84(02D3)Initial PolarityEstimation TimeoutCurrent Polarity Det CurrSets the current to determine polarity for the initial polaritycalculation as a percentage of the motor rated current.100% = Motor rated currentNote: If an “Si” value is listed on a Yaskawa motornameplate, set n8-84 to “Si” value x 2.Default: 100%Min.: 0Max.: 150 –<1> Available in drive software versions PRG: 1018 and later.<2> Default setting is determined by parameter n8-72, Speed Estimation Method Selection.When n8-72 = 0, default is 50.0When n8-72 = 1, default is 150.0.<3> Default setting is determined by parameter E5-01, Motor Code Selection.<4> Values shown are specific to 200 V class drives. Double the value for 400 V class drives. Multiply the value by 2.875 for 600 V class drives.B.9 n: Special AdjustmentYASKAWA ELECTRIC TOEP C710616 41G YASKAWA AC Drive - A1000 Quick Start Guide 311B Parameter List PreviousNext |