4.2.3 Expected component lifeExpected life depends on usageThe expected life of a specific component of the robot can vary greatly dependingon how hard it is run.Expected component lifeNoteExpected lifeComponent40,000 hours iiCable harness, normal us-age i20,000 hours iiCable harness, extreme us-age iiiThe SIS system is decribedin Operating manual - Ser-vice Information System.40,000 hoursGearboxes40,000 hours ivBalancing devicei Examples of "normal usage" in regard to movement: most material handling applications and limiteduse of bending backwards mode of axis 3.ii Severe chemical or thermal environments, or similar environments, can result in shortened lifeexpectancy.iii Examples of "extreme usage" in regard to movement: press tending, very severe palletizingapplications, major use of axis 1 movement and major use of bending backwards of axis 3.iv The given life for the balancing device is based on a test cycle of 4,000,000 cycles that starts fromthe initial position and goes to maximum extension, and back. Deviations from this cycle will resultin differences in expected life!Product manual - IRB 6740 1013HAC085701-001 Revision: A© Copyright 2023 ABB. All rights reserved.4 Maintenance4.2.3 Expected component life