NoteActionBrake release tool: 3HAC081310-001Release the brakes on the axis-6 motorwith the brake release tool.1 Turn off the brake release tool.2 Connect the tool to the motor powerconnector (MP).3 Release the brakes by turning on thebrake release tool and pressing thebrake release button on the tool.The power for brake release is onlyapplied for 180 seconds after activa-tion.DANGERHandling the tool incorrectly will causeserious injury.Read and follow enclosed user instructionsfor the tool.4User instructions are enclosed with thetool.xx2100000666WARNINGElectrical damage to the motor may occurif 24V is supplied to the motor connectorfor more than 30 seconds. Use the spe-cified brake release tool to eliminate therisk.CAUTIONWhenever parting/mating motor and gear-box, the gears may be damaged if excess-ive force is used.5Continues on next page598 Product manual - IRB 67403HAC085701-001 Revision: A© Copyright 2023 ABB. All rights reserved.5 Repair5.9.4 Replacing the axis-6 gearboxContinued