Command Manual – HAH3C S7500E Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 1 VRRP Configuration Commands1-3Field DescriptionDelay Time Preemption delay, not displayed when the device works innon-preemption mode.Auth Type Authentication typeTrack IF The interface to be tracked. It is displayed only after theexecution of the vrrp vrid track command.Pri ReducedThe priority value that is reduced when the interface beingtracked is down.It is displayed only after the execution of the vrrp vrid trackcommand.Virtual IP Virtual IP addresses of the standby groupVirtual MACVirtual MAC address corresponding to the virtual IP addressof the standby group. It is displayed only when the switch isin the state of master.Master IP Primary IP address of the interface to which the switch in thestate of master belongs1.1.2 display vrrp statisticsSyntaxdisplay vrrp statistics [ interface interface-type interface-number [ vridvirtual-router-id ] ]ViewAny viewParametersinterface interface-type interface-number: Displays VRRP statistics of the specifiedinterface. interface-type interface-number specifies an interface by its type and number.vrid virtual-router-id: Displays statistics of the specified VRRP group. virtual-router-idspecifies a standby group by its group number, in the range 1 to 255.DescriptionUse the display vrrp statistics command to display statistics about VRRP.If you specify both interface and standby group, only the statistics about the specifiedstandby group are displayed; if you only specify an interface, the statistics about all thestandby groups on the interface are displayed; if you specify neither, the statistics aboutall the standby groups on the device are displayed.