Command Manual – IPv6 RoutingH3C S7500E Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 6 Routing Policy Configuration Commands6-3Field Descriptionge greater-equal, the lower limit prefix lengthLe less-equal, the upper limit prefix length6.2.3 if-match ipv6Syntaxif-match ipv6 { address | next-hop | route-source } { acl acl6-number | prefix-listipv6-prefix-name }undo if-match ipv6 { address | next-hop | route-source } [ acl | prefix-list ]ViewRouting policy viewParametersaddress: Matches the destination address of IPv6 routing Matches the next hop of IPv6 routing information.route-source: Matches the source address of IPv6 routing information.acl acl6-number: Specifies the number of an IPv6 ACL for filtering, in the range 2000 to3999 for address, and 2000 to 2999 for next-hop and route-source.prefix-list ipv6-prefix-name: Specifies the name of a IPv6 prefix list for filtering, a stringof 1 to 19 characters.DescriptionUse the if-match ipv6 command to configure a destination, next hop or source addressbased match criterion for IPv6 routes.Use the undo if-match ipv6 command to remove the match criterion.The match criterion is not configured by default.Examples# Create a routing policy named policy1 with node 10, matching mode as permit. Definean if-match clause to permit the routing information whose next hop address matchesIPv6 prefix list p1. system-view[Sysname] route-policy policy1 permit node 10[Sysname-route-policy] if-match ipv6 next-hop prefix-list p1