Loading PaperXerox WorkCentre 7132 User Guide 2115. Close the paper tray.Paper can be loaded either shortedge feed or long edge feed.6. Set the machine to detect thepaper size automatically, ormanually specify the requiredsize. For more information,refer to Paper Size in theSetups chapter on page 225.NOTE: Paper sizes detected by the machine vary depending on the Key Operatorsetting. For more information, refer to Paper Size Settings in the Setups chapter onpage 234.Bypass Tray (Tray 5)The bypass tray allows you to use a variety of paper types. The bypass tray is locatedon the left-hand side of the machine. A tray extension is provided to accommodatelarger sized paper. After loading paper stock in the bypass tray, make sure that thebypass tray settings on the touch screen match the paper size and type of the stockloaded. If they do not match, reprogramming is required. For more information onprogramming of the bypass tray, refer to [Tray 5 (Bypass)] Screen in the Copy chapteron page 53.NOTE: To reduce unnecessary fuser and paper jams, it is important that theprogrammed paper size and type is identical to the paper stock loaded.1. Load the paper neatly into thebypass tray, making sure thatthe paper stock is in the centerof the tray.NOTE: Do not load paper above themaximum fill line.NOTE: When making single/doublesided copies on perforated paper,load the paper to feed the oppositeside of the perforated edge first. Feeding the perforated edge first might cause paperjams.NOTE: When making copies or prints on thick-stock paper and the paper will not feedinto the machine, apply a curl to the paper as shown in the illustration on the right.Note however, that excessively bending or folding the paper might cause paper jams.NOTE: When loading envelopes, make sure the flaps are closed and that theenvelopes are oriented on the tray so that the flaps will enter the machine first.However, when loading C5-size envelopes, set the long edge feed so that the edgewith the flaps is facing towards you.Long edge feed(LEF)Short edge feed(SEF)Downloaded From ManualsPrinter.com Manuals