CABLE ROUTING2-621. Oil level switch lead2. Gear position sensor lead3. Rear speed sensor lead4. Sidestand switch lead5. Fuel tank overflow hose6. Fuel tank breather hose7. Coolant reservoir breather hose8. Sidestand switch9. AC magneto lead10.Frame11.Main harness holder12.Main harness13.Drive sprocket cover14.Water pump bypass hoseA. To the rectifier/regulatorB. Route the thermostat bypass hose 2 underthe main harness.C. Route the oil level switch lead, gear posi-tion sensor lead and rear speed sensorlead through inner side of the coolant res-ervoir tank and to main harness.D. To the fuel tankE. Push the fuel tank breather hose, fuel tankoverflow hose and sidestand switch leadinside of the flange of the drive sprocketcover.F. 30–50 mm (1.18–1.97 in)G. Route the fuel tank breather hose, fuel tankoverflow hose and coolant reservoirbreather hose inner side of the water pumpbypass hose, then through the bindingclamp on the sidestand switch and to theoutside of the under cover. End of thehoses can face in any direction.H. To the oil level switchI. Route the AC magneto lead through innerside of the coolant reservoir tank and frontand under the thermostat housing and toright side of the vehicle.J. Fasten the main harness and route itthrough the hole on the side of the mainharness holder. Align it to the main har-ness tape (purple). Do not cut the end andface it inside of the vehicle (same for right& left).K. Outside of the vehicle.L. Order insignificant-oil level switch lead,sidestand switch lead.M. Inside of the vehicle.