FRONT BRAKE4-40EAS22390CHECKING THE FRONT BRAKE CALIPERS1. Check:• Brake caliper pistons “1”Rust/scratches/wear → Replace thebrake caliper pistons.• Brake caliper cylinders “2”Scratches/wear → Replace the brake cal-iper assembly.• Brake caliper body “3”Cracks/damage → Replace the brakecaliper assembly.• Brake fluid delivery passages(brake caliper body)Obstruction → Blow out with compressedair.WARNINGEWA14B1003Whenever a brake caliper is disassembled,replace the brake caliper piston dust sealsand piston seals.EAS22410ASSEMBLING THE FRONT BRAKE CALI-PERSWARNINGEWA14B1004• Before installation, all internal brake com-ponents should be cleaned and lubricatedwith clean or new brake fluid.• Never use solvents on internal brakecomponents as they will cause the pistonseals to swell and distort.• Whenever a brake caliper is disassem-bled, replace the brake caliper piston dustseals and brake caliper piston seals.EAS22450INSTALLING THE FRONT BRAKE CALI-PERSThe following procedure applies to both of thebrake calipers.1. Install:• Brake pads• Brake pad springs• Brake pad pins2. Install:• Brake caliper “1”• Copper washers• Brake hose “2”• Union bolt “3”• Front speed sensor• Brake hose holderWARNINGEWA13530Proper brake hose routing is essential toinsure safe vehicle operation. Refer to“CABLE ROUTING” on page 2-49.ECA14170When installing the brake hose onto thebrake caliper “1”, make sure the brake pipeRecommended brake component replace-ment scheduleBrake pads If necessaryPiston dust seals andpiston seals Every two yearsBrake hoses Every four yearsBrake fluidEvery two years andwhenever the brake isdisassembledRecommended fluidDOT 4Front brake caliper bolt35 Nm (3.5 m·kgf, 25 ft·lbf)Front brake hose union bolt30 Nm (3.0 m·kgf, 22 ft·lbf)Front speed sensor bolt7 Nm (0.7 m·kgf, 5.1 ft·lbf)Front brake hose holder6 Nm (0.6 m·kgf, 4.3 ft·lbf)New