FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM8-40Sensor operation tableDiag-nosticcodeNo.Item Meter display Checking methodD:01 Throttle position sensor sig-nal 1• Fully closed position 12–21 Check with throttle valvesfully closed.• Fully opened position 97–10685–94 for FRA/BEL (1KB9/1KBK)Check with throttle valvesfully open.D:02 Atmospheric pressure Displays the atmosphericpressure.Compare the actually mea-sured atmospheric pressurewith the meter displayvalue.D:03 Pressure difference(atmospheric pressure andintake air pressure)Displays the intake air pres-sure.Set the engine stop switchto “ ”, and then push thestart switch “ ”. (If the dis-play value changes, the per-formance is OK.)D:05 Intake air temperature When engine is cold: Dis-plays temperature closer toair temperatureWhen engine is hot: Air tem-perature + approx. 20°C (68°F)Compare the actually mea-sured intake air temperaturewith the meter displayvalue.D:06 Coolant temperature When engine is cold: Dis-plays temperature closer toair temperatureWhen engine is hot: Displayscurrent coolant temperatureCompare the actually mea-sured coolant temperaturewith the meter displayvalue.D:07 Rear wheel vehicle speedpulses0–999Displays the cumulative valueof the rear wheel vehiclespeed pulses.Rear wheel stops: makesure that the indicationvalue is constant.Rotate the rear wheel byhand several times to enterthe rear wheel vehiclespeed pulses: the indicationvalue is added.D:08 Lean angle sensor Remove the lean angle sen-sor and incline it more than45 degrees.• Upright 0.4–1.4• Overturned 3.7–4.4D:09 Fuel system voltage(battery voltage)Approximately 12.0 Set the engine stop switchto “ ”, and then comparewith the actually measuredbattery voltage. (If the bat-tery voltage is lower, per-form recharging.)