CABLE ROUTING2-641. Right handlebar switch lead2. Headlight sub-wire harness3. Right radiator fan motor lead4. AC magneto lead5. Atmospheric pressure sensor6. Throttle position sensor (for throttle cablepulley)7. Throttle servo motor8. O 2 sensor lead9. Rear brake light switch lead10.Ignition coil lead11.Crankshaft position sensor lead12.Joint coupler13.Coolant reservoir hose14.Starter motor lead15.Battery negative lead16.Fuel hose17.Sidestand switch lead18.Oil level switch lead19.Gear position sensor lead20.Rear speed sensor lead21.Secondary injector sub-wire harness22.Throttle sub-wire harness23.Intake funnel servo motor lead24.Throttle position sensor (for throttle valves)25.Left handlebar switch lead26.Front speed sensor lead27.Intake air pressure sensor28.Immobilizer unit lead29.Radiator stay30.Frame boss31.Clutch cable32.Hazard switch lead33.Stay 134.Main harness35.Main switch lead36.Steering damper leadA. Fasten the clutch cable, right handlebarswitch lead and hazard switch lead toinside of the radiator stay with the clampaligning to their white tape marks.B. After connecting the main harness andheadlight sub-wire harness, insert theminto the rectifier/regulator bracket stay.C. To the radiatorD. Route the coolant reservoir hose, mainharness and AC magneto lead in this orderfrom the top. Each of them can either beright or left.E. Route the crankshaft position sensor leadthrough the heat protector hole and to rightof the engine.F. Route the coolant reservoir hose in front ofthe crankcase breather hose and to thecoolant reservoir tank. Route it as shown inthe illustration and it should not touch theair bleed hose clip.G. Fasten the main harness and fuel hosebetween the breather hose and the mainharness (such as the ground lead). Routethe fuel hose on the side of the main har-ness facing toward rear of the vehicle.H. Route the main harness behind the crank-case breather hose.I. Fasten the starter motor lead and fuelpump lead at the right of the vehicle. Donot cut off the end and face it to back of thevehicle.J. Route the starter motor lead below the fueltank breather hose and fuel tank overflowhose, back of the fuel hose and above theground lead and battery negative lead.K. Install with the ground lead at the bottomand the battery negative lead on the top.Install the rivet of the each lead facing up.Angle of installing each lead is shown inthe illustration.L. Route the fuel pump lead through front ofthe fuel tank breather hose.M. Route the sidestand switch lead outside ofthe installation dotted line at the back of thecoolant reservoir tank.N. Connect the oil level switch lead, gear posi-tion sensor lead, rear speed sensor leadand sidestand switch lead (order insignifi-cant) and put the connector cover on.O. To the AC magnetoP. To the coolant reservoir tankQ. The intake funnel servo motor lead caneither be on top or bottom of the branchedsecondary injector sub-wire harness andthrottle sub-wire harness.R. To the throttle bodyS. To the air filter caseT. To the intake funnel servo motorU. Fasten the front speed sensor lead, lefthandlebar switch lead and main harnesswithin the range shown in the illustration(between the ECU (engine control unit)bracket rib and radiator core).V. Route the left handlebar switch lead andfront speed sensor lead along the mainharness, making sure there is no slack inthe leads.W. Align the main switch lead (white), left han-dlebar switch lead (at the positioning tape)and steering damper lead (white) to thetapes and clamp them inside of the radiatorstay.X. End of the clamp should be at front andfacing down.Y. Route the hazard switch lead on the side ofthe clutch cable facing toward front of thevehicle.