3 FlexGripper UI3.2.3.1. Position Tune3HAC040633-002 Revision: -102Robot target editAction ProcedureAdd target Touch the Add target button, in the screen shown, the left side shows thetarget contribution, ie Task, Type, the right side shows the target list withthe module described. Select the target needed, which is then ticked inthe square before its name.en1011061The targets listed are selected by default. Touch the target to remove thetick and deselect a target. Select OK, the selected targets are added tothe Choose robot target column.Teach target Touch the Teach button, the selected robot target position is taught.Meanwhile the corresponding parameters of the TCP are automaticallyloaded into the Pos offset column.Target positionoffsetAfter target teach, if the robot doesn’t reach the exact position, the offsetfunction can be used to fine tune the robot target.In the Pos offset column, touching the plus sign increases the position inmm and the minus sign decreases it. The increment unit can be adjustedin 0.1mm, 0.5mm, 1mm or 5mm. After the offset, touch Apply, the offsettarget is saved.Continued