3 FlexGripper UI3.2.4.2. Setup1093HAC040633-002 Revision: -Variable editWhen you have finished editing, select Save to save any changes. Press the Back toProduction button to return to the Production main interface.NOTE!The variable configuration includes three elements: TASK, Storage type and Scope.Their scopes are:Task: T_ROB1;Scope: Global, Task and localStorage type: only PersistentIf the scope and storage type of the variable is not correct it can not be monitored.Action ProcedureAdd variable Touch Add button, the following interface shows:en1011074Choose the module followed by the variable type to be added from thedropdown list. You can edit its name by selecting the button with theellipsis. A soft keyboard shows with which you can enter the variablename.Note: The variable shown name should be no longer than 25 characterswhich can include numbers, letters and the underline sign.Note: No more than 12 variables can be added.Modify variable Select the variable to be modified and press the modify button. Thevariable, its module, type and name can be modified in the drop dropdownlist or by using the soft keyboard. Select cancel if no modification isneeded.Delete variable Select the variable to be deleted and press delete. The variable is deletedfrom the monitor variable list.Continued