Create Read-Only Snapshot Virtual DiskDescriptionThis command creates a read-only snapshot virtual disk for the snapshot images of a base virtual disk. Tochange a read-only snapshot virtual disk to a read/write virtual disk, use the set snapVirtualDiskconvertToReadWrite command.NOTE: You cannot use this command for a snapshot image that is used in online virtual disk copy.Syntaxcreate snapVirtualDisk userLabel="snapVirtualDiskName"snapImageID="snapImageID" readOnlyParametersParameter DescriptionuserLabel The name that you want to give to a snapshotvirtual disk. Enclose the snapshot virtual disk namein double quotation marks (" ").snapImageID The alphanumeric identifier of a snapshot imagethat you want to add to the new snapshot virtualdisk. The identifier of a snapshot image iscomprised of two parts:• The name of the snapshot group.• An identifier for the snapshot image in thesnapshot group.The identifier for the snapshot image can be one ofthese:• An integer value that is the sequence numberof the snapshot in the snapshot group.• NEWEST - Use this option when you want toshow the latest snapshot image created in thesnapshot group.• OLDEST - Use this option when you want toshow the earliest snapshot image created in thesnapshot group.Enclose the snapshot image name in doublequotation marks (" ").readOnly This parameter sets the snapshot virtual disk toread-only. This parameter is actually a Boolean;however, in the context of this command, theBoolean value is always TRUE.NOTE: With the readOnly parameter,snapshot virtual disks are not created.178