Parameter Descriptionname has special characters, you also mustenclose the virtual disk name in double quotationmarks (" ").consumedCapacity The setting to return a concise list of informationabout the consumed capacity of the thin virtualdisks.expansionHistory The setting to return a concise list of informationabout the expansion history of the thin virtual disks.file The file parameter specifies a file to log theoutput of the expansionHistory parameter. Thefile is valid only when used with theexpansionHistory parameter. An invalid filename causes the command to fail.NotesWith the expansionHistory parameter, the command returns information similar to the exampleshown below.Thin virtual disk name: virtual disk-nameRepository virtual disk Name:REPOS_NNNNLogged Time Expansion Type Start Capacity End CapacityMM/DD/YYYYHH:MM:SSManual|Automatic NNNNNNNN bytes NNNNNNNN bytesWith the consumedCapacity parameter, the command returns information similar to the exampleshown below.Virtual Disk PhysicalCapacityConsumnedCapacityQuota % Prov.ConsumedvirtualDiskName500.000 GB 230.000 GB 700.000 GB 46%Show Virtual DiskDescriptionFor the virtual disks in a storage array, this command returns the following information:• The number of virtual disks• The name• The status• The capacity• The RAID level• The disk group where the virtual disk is located349