Parameter DescriptionrepositoryPercentOfSource The size of the snapshot (legacy) repository virtualdisk as a percentage of the source virtual disk. Useinteger values. For example, a value of 40 means40 percent. The default value is 20.repositoryUserLabel The name to give to the snapshot (legacy)repository virtual disk. Enclose the snapshot(legacy) repository virtual disk name in doublequotation marks (" ").repositoryFullPolicy Specifies how snapshot (legacy) processingcontinues if the snapshot (legacy) repository is full.You can choose to fail writes to the base virtualdisk (failBaseWrites) or fail the snapshot(legacy) virtual disk (failSnapShot). The defaultvalue is failSnapShot.enableSchedule Turns on or off the ability to schedule a snapshot(legacy) operation. To turn on snapshot (legacy)scheduling, set this parameter to TRUE. To turn offsnapshot (legacy) scheduling, set the parameter toFALSE.schedule Use this parameter to schedule a snapshot (legacy)operation.You can use one of these options for setting aschedule for a snapshot (legacy) operation:• immediate• startDate• scheduleDay• startTime• scheduleInterval• endDate• noEndDate• timesPerDay• timeZoneNOTE: For more information, see Notesbelow.NotesThe virtual disk that you are taking a snapshot (legacy) of must be a standard virtual disk in the storagearray. The maximum number of snapshot (legacy) virtual disks that you can create is one-half of the totalnumber of virtual disks that are supported by a RAID controller module.You can use any combination of alphanumeric characters, underscore (_), hyphen (-), and pound (#) forthe names. Names can have a maximum of 30 characters.One technique for naming the snapshot (legacy) virtual disk and the snapshot (legacy) repository virtualdisk is to add a hyphenated suffix to the original base virtual disk name. The suffix distinguishes between190